Ann Smith Barbier-Mueller
Civic Leader | Board Member Ann.BarbierMueller@Fairparkfirst.orgAnn Smith Barbier-Mueller is a notable civic leader throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan area. Her lifelong goal was to help bring positive change and recognition of the arts within her community. She has served on various boards including The Arts Community Alliance (TACA) and Baylor Health Care Foundation. In addition, Ann chaired prestigious gala events for the Dallas Museum of Art, the Dallas Symphony Orchestra League, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and the Family Gateway.
Ann and her husband, Gabriel, were honored by the Dallas Historical Society in 2017 with the Award for Excellence in Arts Leadership. Over the past 25 years, the couple has shared their passion by amassing the world’s largest collections of Samurai art and armor. The assortments can be found in the Ann and Gabriel Barbier-Mueller Museum: Samurai Collection in Dallas and in traveling exhibitions around the world.